They are principled and hard-working and willing to do whatever it takes for the people and causes that matter to them. They’re gladiators who see themselves as agents of change in this world.

If you’re familiar with the show, Lennix and Kimba are white hate girls. I think of SCANDAL when I think of this universe. Queen Move is written to completely stand on its own (Seriously! Not just saying that! LOL!), but Kimba’s best friend and business partner is Lennix, the heroine of the duet. Yes! We first meet Kimba, Queen Move’s heroine, in The Kingmaker, book 1 of the All the King’s Men duet. What do you love about this setting and world you’ve built? QUEEN MOVE is loosely related to the All the King’s Men Duet.

Negotiating their HEA is complex and kinda messy, but I hope, rewarding. When they meet again years later, they’re both adults with very complicated lives. Their parents are best friends, and Kimba and Ezra are separated just as they’re entering high school. The hero and heroine know each other literally from the time they’re babies. LOL! My new book Queen Move is a reunion romance. I write contemporary romance that goes straight for your heart, sometimes with a sucker punch. Thank you for having me! I’m so glad to be here. Please tell us about yourself and your new book, QUEEN MOVE. Welcome to Fresh Fiction, Kennedy! We are so excited to have you here.