The maze runner order books
The maze runner order books

the maze runner order books

This author quickly loses the thread of believability. Things were reviled at such a pace that you felt like you were on an exciting ride, wanting more.

the maze runner order books

Those plots were interesting and believable. I've enjoyed books penned by lazy author. Key characters go under developed I never could come to care about them. I skimmed passed large portions of the book where the author regularly inserted a character sole for the purpose of delivering a speech/explanation.

the maze runner order books

Lazy writing –author tells you, does not show you. Something that can be forgiven if the plot is fast paced and well developed. I pen this rare review to save the next unsuspecting reader. Having not read these other books and seeking a fast paced mindless weekend read I felt confident disappointment would not be my fate. Most low reviews I read expressed disappointment, let down expecting a similarity with other near-future teen-lit (Hunger Games, Divergent).

The maze runner order books